So, today was one of those rare, beautiful, warm sunny days that make me love fall. *
I took my buddy Oliver and his friend Bob (that's his stroller, fyi) for a long walk around the neighborhood this evening, stopping along the way to pick up leaves and pine cones, look at birds and talk to the dozens of other kids who were out enjoying the gorgeous weather. We also stopped frequently so that Oliver could demonstrate walking backwards up the hills (he would turn to me and say "Up? Walking backwards" as he did it) and pretend to go to sleep (he would lie on the ground and say, "night night"). So cute!
Hanging out with Oliver for a couple of hours here and there is one of my greatest joys each week, and I continue to be amazed by his rapid development. In just the past two months, he has started to repeat everything people say, string words together and recognize colors, numbers and letters. And he is by far the best almost-20-month-old Beyonce dancer I know!
I wonder what kind of gross, porno-seeking traffic I'm going to get with that post title ...
Anyhow, the reason I'm writing is to let all of my adoring fans know that The Seattle Channel aired a 13-minute "Community Story" on the making of BABES' theater project, Positive Dreams, last night, and you can watch it by clicking here. It's a great little segment, and not just because they interviewed me. Yay, BABES!
It's been a year since Graham and I got married* ... and what a year it's been. We bought a house, managed lots of new and crazy, time-intensive projects at our respective jobs, went camping in the San Jan Islands, hosted like 40 people in our new digs, celebrated G's 30th birthday (robot-pirate-monkey-style) traveled all over the country for weddings and camp, etc., and just generally settled in to married life.
Here's to many more wonderful (and we hope much less busy) years together!
*Have a peanut butter & jelly sandwich on us today.
After subtracting for sleep and work, I think that means we spent close to 80% of the last three weeks watching Veronica Mars.
And now it's over.
What should I do now?*
-------------------------------------------------- *FYI, given my ridiculously skewed priorities at the moment, I know that "feed starving babies" is a fair and deserved answer. But please , spare me. I'm in mourning.